Computer viruses are programs that have the ability to spread themselves without the user\’s knowledge. Some viruses are destructive, such as deleting files on disk, while others are simply annoying and relatively harmless. The main negative effect is the actual propagation of the virus, which puts a strain on the computer system and thus slows it down. [An antivirus programis computer software that can be used to identify, remove, and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software. Anti-virus programs scan files stored on local disks to find computer viruses in their database. The second method is to monitor the computer\’s behavior. The suspicious behavior may be due to the presence of a computer virus. Some operating systems are resistant to malicious programs and rarely require antivirus programs, but servers are an exception.
When a file is scanned by an antivirus program, it is tested to see if any parts of the file match known viruses stored in the database. Therefore, the virus database must be kept up to date. If this database is not updated regularly, viruses pose the same danger as if there were no antivirus program on the computer at all. In other words, viruses are always ahead of the curve and are only detected when they are included in the antivirus database. The user can send the infected file to the antivirus manufacturer, who then registers the virus in the database. Scans can be scheduled at specific times or run concurrently with computer startup or before shutdown so as not to bother or delay the user.14]

Successful protection against computer viruses depends on the antivirus One can conclude that successful protection against computer viruses depends on the capabilities of the antivirus program, and that the up-to-dateness of its database is also very important. Current databases of antivirus providers can be downloaded from the Internet.
— 17 August 2022