If you are a runner and don\’t have a coach or enough experience, you probably know the dilemma of whether to run on an empty or full stomach. If you need to eat, what should you eat? What foods are appropriate before a run and what foods are appropriate after a run? How do I replenish my energy on a long run? These are a series of questions, some of which are very difficult to answer.
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Long-term perspective

Of course, it is most important to approach food from along-term perspective, not just in training situations. The key is a balanced diet rich in protein which helps speed recovery. In addition, fats are essential as the main component of energy supply. However, these require caution. Avoid fried foods and consume fish! [Carbohydrates are most important for muscles during the first phase of exercise. Simple carbohydrates burn quickly, while complex carbohydrates fill us up and store energy. Whole grain pasta, bread, rice, fruits, and plenty of vegetables are the best carbohydrate sources for running performance

Fast or full?This is an important topic of many running discussions. It depends on which is right for you, and there are pros and cons to both. A lazy belly is better suited for runners whose goal is to lose fat from the body because it promotes burning. If you are a performance or competitive runner, or a runner with such ambitions, you need to replenish your energy source prior to exercise to cover your high consumption.

Before running

Here it depends mainly on the length of the run; if training for 90 minutes or less, a light meal is sufficient. There is no need to pre-load the body with complex carbohydrates. A glucose (monosaccharide) supplement will provide most of the energy. Fruits are the best source of supplementation. Small amounts of fat and protein do not interfere during more strenuous exercise. Don\’t overdo it. The stomach uses a lot of blood for digestion. Still, it is important for runs longer than 90 minutes because it changes the way energy sources are used. Fat is burned the most between 90 minutes and 3 hours, while protein is used at higher loads.

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— 3 January 2022