Do you enjoy fashion? I think everyone loves fashion and maybe does not want to admit it. My brother, 16 years old. He always supported the fact that as soon as he gets out of bed in the morning, he immediately wears clothes that fall under his hands. He just says it, but the reality is completely different. He may not be aware of it, but he chooses clothes really carefully every day. Sometimes I see him looking in the closet for the best T-shirt or jacket or sweatshirt. I think that when a child grows to a certain age, they begin to take care of themselves. And it\’s not just that he starts to wash more and devote more time to his personal hygiene. For example, my brother told me that his jeans were so shabby and torn. I do not know what is in vogue. But when I think back to myself, it was my fashion for a year.

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Wear and leaky jeans. I didn\’t even know it was worn. It\’s that time again. But she can be fun again. It was really big fashion, so I remember when my friends and I were deliberately punching new jeans in our youth. I\’m sure you\’ll remember that too. But my brother has 3 of these jeans and they look like each other. And he wears them very often.

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My grandmother and grandfather always hated this. They said that we look like a scum bag, we do not have money, ordinary clothes. But if they know how many times such a ragged fashion can cost more money than, for example, intact jeans. Fashion changes and fashion is different every time. As we all know, everything comes back. What is retro today, in 10 years it will become a fashionable novelty. I really like this style of fashion. Why can\’t we wear what we want? Fortunately, I have a favorite fashion item, so I don\’t follow fashion trends much, so I usually wear what I like and what I feel comfortable with. 

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— 21 July 2021