Despite the fact that the Czech Republic has two nuclear power plants and countless coal-fired power plants, the cost of electricity is getting higher every year. This is due to a variety of factors, and it would be pointless to enumerate them here. After all, there is nothing you can do about it; it just makes you angry. But it is true that if you want to save money for a vacation or a new car, for example, and if you are not a person earning above average wages, then you must start saving. [Savings in this area cannot be achieved simply by reducing the use of various appliances, but primarily by replacing light sources.
Levné svícení

With so many modern light sources available on the Czech market, it can be a bit difficult to choose the right one for you in every respect. However, if you want to save as much money as possible, the new generation of LED bulbs is the only sensible choice: LED bulbs are characterized primarily by their low power consumption, which is several times lower than that of conventional filament bulbs. The difference is less pronounced when compared to more modern light sources, but they are still the market leader and their solid market position will not be threatened anytime soon by other types of bulbs.
Designová žárovka

Modern types of light bulbs, including LED models, are more expensive than filament types and in some cases considerably more expensive. The comparison shifts a bit since traditional bulbs are no longer generally available, but at the time the last stock was sold off, each one cost roughly less than 20 kronor, which was not a huge burden.
Úsporné žárovky
But if you are going to buy LED energy-saving bulbs, be prepared to spend more money
. If you want a better color or a more interesting design, you will pay a few dozen kronor more. Still, it\’s worth it.

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— 4 July 2023