The Internet is full of viruses and other dangers that can compromise your computer without your knowledge. In the blink of an eye, you can lose all the data you have stored on your computer\’s hard drive, making it very difficult to restore it again. Even if you were able to recover it, you would only be able to retrieve some of your documents, photos, music, and videos at best. These are not necessarily threats from this global network. Short circuits and hardware damage are also possible. If there is some kind of defect in the memory of the laptop or desktop, all files would be irretrievably lost.
logo Google Drive
It is not nonsensical to say that all users should regularly back up their belongings. If they don\’t, they risk losing everything. The question, however, is where and how to back up. An increasingly popular way to protect files and folders is to synchronize them with external storage on the Internet, the so-called “cloud. By uploading everything to the Web, you can access your documents at any time from any other device, from your cell phone or even from another country. You are no longer limited to one computer as in the past. In the past, we used to back up to a DVD/CD or “flash drive.” Because of the long time involved, this method is slowly being abandoned by the general end-users.
schéma cloudové synchronizace
How to protect data in the cloud?
There are many services that offer this opportunity. One of the most well-known services is Google Drive, which offers users 15 GB of space for free. If you want to expand your storage, you will need to pay an additional fee. Uploading to storage is very easy.

The first method is to drag and drop all documents directly from your web browser onto the drive. Once you have installed the special software on your device, logged into your account, set up what you want to sync, and finalized your options, you don\’t have to worry about anything else. For example, if you change the title of an important presentation, the online version will change as well. If you delete unwanted images, the web copy will be deleted as well.

Of course, this comes with risks. If someone unauthorized were to break into your account, i.e., obtain your password, all the material could easily be used against you. The nice thing about such a server is that you can set up sharing with others, and they are free to access and treat the files you set up as they wish.

So I appeal to everyone to protect themselves and their data from total loss or theft and to back everything up!

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— 5 December 2023